Building Efficient Network Stack with SDKLT and NPL
Venkat Pullela – Broadcom Distinguished Engineer
September 13, 2019 | by Venkat Pullela | Santa Clara, California, USA
ONF Connect is recognized as the leading event for next-generation SDN and open source networking.
The design of high-performance networks requires efficient design at all layers of the network as well as building on abstractions at each layer. This talk introduces key technologies of Broadcom at each layer and their design to support an efficient implementation.
Efficient Packet Flows -NetPL at SIGCOMM Beijing,
August 23, 2019 | by Venkat Pullela | Beijing, China
The NetPL workshop provides a forum to bring together researchers and practitioners from the fields of programming languages, formal methods, software verification and networking.
SDKLT and NPL at OnCon Asia 2019
Jul 22, 2019 to Jul 23, 2019 | Infosys Campus, Electronics City, Bengaluru, India
A Premier Developer & Executive Event in India by Infosys and the Open Networking Foundation